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Showing posts from June, 2020

Why Now Is The Time To Revamp Your Style

The past few months have been stressful and many of us have gone from working in the office to working from our kitchen table or if you're lucky enough to have a home office.  With our only human intraction in the form of zoom calls most of us have gone from office attire to wearing sweatpants or PJ's.    As we slowly start to return to the work place, now is the perfect time to refresh your old wardrobe and invest in a new. I feel the same way with my hair and makeup after months of barely wearing makeup and styling my hair. I too am ready to make some changes and now is the ideal time to play around with new colors and revamp. Think about how often we judge people almost immediately based on their appearance. Clothing is a tool that can help you take control of how people see you and manipulate their viewpoint. Do you want to appear as a strong, knowledgeable, and confident individual? Your clothing can help with that! Use your clothing to positively affect your confidence by


7 SECRETS OF ATTRACTIVE WOMEN What makes us attractive? Well have you ever noticed feeling drawn to a person and not sure why? I'm talking more than physical attraction, it goes much deeper. We all have an energy that we radiate, that makes us feel a certain way when we are around that person. Here are a few traits of what makes a women more attractive.  1. SELF-CONFIDENCE Attractiveness is not about looks and beauty. It’s about self-confidence. No matter what shape or size, they are, attractive women feel good and confident in their own skin. Moreover, they glow. They radiate self-confidence and warmth. In fact, they don’t need the acceptance of others, because they accept themselves. 2. SMILE Nothing you wear is more important than your smile.  Attractive women smile to brighten their day. Above all, they live life with a smile. When they smile at others, they give them a boost of happiness and make people feel comfortable around them. Then, it is impossible to resist to smile ba