Busy Mom Style Guide
As a mom I have first hand experience on how to pull together an outfit in 10 minutes and be out the door. It might be easy to reach for those yoga pants and running shoes but ladies please let me show how to move away from this look!
Switch the yoga pants to a dark rise high waist stretch pair of jeans, add a plain fitted T shirt or even a fun graphic T shirt and hey it's still mom friendly but by adding a few accessories such as minimal necklace and some cute small earrings it's an instant way to look polished and still easy to maintain and be out the door in 10 minutes.
Oh I almost forgot, those shoes... Please please no more running shoes unless you're off to the park or the gym! I'm not talking let's wear 5 inch heels and break an ankle but let's keep this look polished.
Loafers are currently on trend and come in all kinds of colors and fabrics, which makes this shoe the perfect match for everyday running around after the kiddos. Another go to is of course the ballet flat again such an easy alternative and keeping the look pulled together, try a fun print or a bright color.
If you do prefer a running type shoe try an upgraded pair that has style rather than a plain white basic running shoe you have had for years. You don't have to sacrifice comfort for style there are so many options for stylish mom friendly shoes.

If you do prefer a running type shoe try an upgraded pair that has style rather than a plain white basic running shoe you have had for years. You don't have to sacrifice comfort for style there are so many options for stylish mom friendly shoes.