5 Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself
Right now we are all going through some of the toughest times we have ever experienced and in order to get through the next few months we MUST be kinder to ourselves.
Most of us have gone through some kind of struggles in the past. The beautiful thing about life is that we don’t have to hold on those to those things that bring us shame, things that make us feel uneasy or bring back pain. We get to grow, change, and evolve.
Holding to grudges is not only unhealthy, it can be damaging and it steals your joy away. It’s a burden. I’m talking both about forgiving yourself and forgiving others.
Is it always easy?
Hell no. Especially so if you’ve had an unhealthy relationship with your “self” for years and tend to put yourself down, all the time, even for silly things like feeling lazy sometimes and taking a break. Do not blame yourself for making mistakes, for missed opportunities, for not following through with things. Learn to forgive yourself, just as you’d forgive a friend.
We talk Self-Care all the time, and as I always say, it’s more than just taking a bubble bath. It’s about looking after your mind, as well; it’s about not being afraid to say “no” to doing things you don’t like doing, it’s about knowing that it’s okay to be nice to yourself, to learn, grow and protect your energy. Also, learning to take care of yourself is also about knowing and realizing that it’s okay to NOT be okay– it’s okay to have a good cry once in a while or feel angry, to let yourself feel.
Let go of your limiting thoughts and beliefs. Are there any things you want to go after, but feel are unachievable? Do you ever tell yourself “I can’t” or “I will never be able to..“? Maybe you had someone else tell you these things in the past?
Your only limit is you. We live in times where you have countless resources at your fingertips and creating the life you dream of, has never been more achievable. But this takes work and faith in yourself- if living out your dream life was easy, everyone would be doing it. Don’t expect others to believe in your dreams and goals if you yourself do not believe in them. Remember that conversations you have with yourself, can either help you reach your goals and encourage you, or they can be your biggest obstacle. Let go of all limiting thoughts and beliefs that do not serve you.
This need of having to be perfect at all times can feel like a trap. At some point, you stop acknowledging your accomplishments because there’s always that voice in your head that says “well… you could’ve done a better job“.
Things will not always go as planned and the sooner you accept that, the less time you’ll spend wasting trying to get things to be “perfect.”.

You know what all of these have in common? They’re all things that you’d expect a good friend to do for you.
Well, then why not see a friend in yourself? When you look at yourself, do so without judgment. Stop comparing yourself to others and try to treat yourself the same way you’d treat someone close. Work on the relationship you have with yourself, just like you work on other relationship in your life.
And one last thing...
Whenever you do something you’re proud of, pat yourself on the back and give yourself a compliment:
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